GS1 in Europe Cash Handling Project Meeting
Under the umbrella of the GS1 in Europe Regional Forum NCB representatives were invited to discuss the recent achievements and the way forward with cash specialists of the GS1 Member Organisations.
Mr. Christian Przybilla, chairman of the GS1 Cash Team, reported that 36 GS1 Member Organisations are registered for the Cash Team now. Based on an internal change request the new communication format GS1 XML 3.0 was added with cash logistic data elements. Next to the IBAN the standard now provides a special data element for CashSSP codes.
Ms. Isabel Alcalde, representative of Banco de España, announced a survey on the use of GS1 Standards in the national cash cycles. The results shall be balanced with an intra GS1 study, presented at the next meeting of the Central Bank GS1 User Group and published on this homepage afterwards.
One highlight of the meeting was a report on a combined RFID study of GS1 France and Banque de France (BdF). On the way to modern and efficient cash processing BdF tested both mobile and stationary RFID devices in one of their premises. The results were presented in a film.
GS1 in Europe enriched the meeting with an external speaker. Mr. Juergen Schmitz from the global cash solution provider "Giesecke & Devrient" gave an overview on future trends in cash processing technics, including the "intelligent" ATM cassette and the integration of standards in numbering and data exchange.
The meeting was rounded by a status update of the national IT projects in cash.
For more information please contact the User Group's Secretary.