General information Central Bank GS1 User Group: The Way to Modern Cash Business
Since 2011 Banque de France, Banca d'Italia, Banco de España and Deutsche Bundesbank are supporting European cash harmonisation by cooperating in the Central Bank GS1 User Group. In 2017 Banca Slovenije joined the group.
The Central Bank GS1 User Group aims for the following goals:
- Exchange of views and experience concerning the use of GS1 standards
- Locating and, if applicable, utilisation of synergies in the GS1
- Creating a platform for collaboration and resource sharing
- Common representation of the interest of the participants
- Harmonisation of message types
- Provision of assistance for new/joining countries
- Promoting the use of the GS1 standards throughout the whole national cash cycles
- Promoting new projects that are of common interest
The group can be joined in a member or observer status, depending on whether central banks are using the standard or are interested in them.